Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Back From Hibernation

Hey all,

I am excited and happy to say hello again after about a 6 month hiatus of not keeping you updated. So sorry about that. Since this is my more informal thoughts, this note will be a bit smaller, but you can look forward to reading all about whats new in my life now in my upcoming new edition of Grover Chronicles. I am very sorry that its been so long since I have updated here, but, as you will find out, my life has been very busy over the past several months.

To your right you will find a beautiful, picturesque photo of myself with a very special lady in my life. After the Lord, she is truly the love of my life and I am more than thankful for this amazing blessing that God brought into my life. Her name is Sarah, and you will be hearing a lot about her in the near future. SO, just to wet your whistle a little bit, you can look forward to hearing a lot more specific detail on how life has been for me, and what's new in the next few days at my Grover Chronicles website. Until then, its good to be back, and my prayers are with you.

Love and Prayers,


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hey all,

Well, Its Sunday, August 12th at....oh shoot, my roommate unplugged my alarm clock so I can't see the time. Anyway, Im here and I just wanted to post a little something to let you know that I will be posting some neat stuff pretty soon. You can look forward to at least 2 things. First, soon I will be posting a video that I like to call, "Lifestyles of the Not So Rich and "Carni"vorous", followed by some typed thoughts that I like to call, "Contemplations from a Gondola". These two things will just give you a glimpse into what I experienced the 10 days that I worked at the Bangor State Fair. Im sure you'll love it. So, keep in touch with me. Let me know if you have any prayer requests.

Jared :) aka the Carnie, as some say.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Lord's Gym

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,

It's a beautiful monday, so I thought I would write and tell you about it. I was just thinking about my day so far today, and I can't believe that I was up at 6:30am and headed to the gym, of all places, at 7 am. My roommate Buster and I have been going to Planet Fitness (good gym) 4 or 5 times a week. It is really good for me. Please continue to pray that I will have the strength and ambition to go with him each time. See, Buster is HUGE. He is a house, and puts me to shame. My arms and legs are sticks. Some of my friends joke around and say that I have little british arms and legs. Who knows? So, the gym it is. I admit that it has felt kind of good, but it does get pretty tiring at times. I know thats to be expected because in 2 Timothy 2:3-4 it says,

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."

From my studies of this passage, these couple of verses mean so much more than just to be strong for Jesus. It reminds me that everything won't be easy, but I will be pleasing the one who chose me to be a soldier. I'm part of the Lord's Gym, or some may say, the Lord's Army. I'm sure you would remember the song, "I may never march in the infantry, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery. I may never zoom or' the enemy, cause I'm in the Lord's army.". Don't mind me. I'm just reliving old childhood memories.

Going to the gym has reminded me that I need to be part of His gym, keeping myself pure and strong and wise for His glory. How do you feel about that? Please continue to pray about my possible move to Georgia. I want to do His Will, and I'm excited about the possibility, but, its still a nervous. Everything seems to keep falling into place. They even have a job lined up down there for me. MAN! I love it when the Lord works. Well, have a great day. Enjoy the SON in the sun.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Day,

Have you ever layed around all day in your pajama's. Well, I have in the past. Today it was only until about 1:30 pm. Ha Ha! Just kidding. I really wasn't just laying around. I had a bunch of applications to fill out and some phone calls to make. All of that good stuff. I have a bit of a headache, but what's new. I have had those for as long as I can remember. No big deal.

The weather is nice today. Hot, but nice. I just found out that Build a Bear Workshop was coming to the Bangor Mall, so I called and I have an interview on the 19th of July. As some of you know, I worked at Build a Bear in Georgia when I was living down there.

I am going to start posting videos on here from time to time. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment, and let me know what you think. This first one is a video that I did one day at the 2007 Glorybound Gospel Jubilee in Blue Hill, Maine. Enjoy. Talk to ya lata.


Monday, July 09, 2007


New day. It's been a long day, and I'm pretty tired. I haven't added an entry on here for a long time, but it's good to be back. Today I have spent most of my day putting together my Chronicles, but it was great to be able to just share what has been on my heart for so long with all of the people that I love.

I need to go out and drop off a few applications. I'm pretty excited to find out that Build a Bear Workshop is finally coming to Bangor. I have been waiting for this for so long. I have an interview there on the 19th of this month. I so hope that I get the job. I got to keep praying about this job situation. I work so hard to find a good job and I end up getting laid off or have to quit because the companies promise so many hours and don't come through on them. Man.

No big plans for tonight. I guess I will have to and find some big plans then.
Peace Out,

Grove is back

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fighting Against Yourself: How Are You Leaning?

I was walking back from a job interview the other day, about 2 miles away from my apartment, when I began to think. (Yeah, i do think from time to time. Shocking, isn't it?) I was thinking about the different struggles that I was having in my life lately, and I was praying at the same time, asking God to show me what may be standing in the way of these struggles working out (at least in my fallible mind). As I continued to think and pray, God kept bringing back to my mind Proverbs 3:5,6:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Thats it!! It's ME! I am the one that is making life worse than it needs to be. I'm the one that is not trusting God. I'm the one who is constantly worrying and not keeping my head up. It's me. I will be brutally honest with you. It is not the easiest thing in the world to admit that. The Lord just asked me be patient. Wait. It's like im fighting against myself. The only person who is really standing in the way of God doing His work in my life is me. Every day I try to look at my circumstances and find out who wronged me, and who caused my problems, and im sad to say, a lot of my problems are my own fault.

Am I saying that every problem that I have in my life right now was directly caused by me? No. What I am saying is that I am causing myself to lose out on blessings and relief that God wants to give me by worrying and not trusting HIM with my problems. I know that God says that I need to lean on HIS understanding and not my own, and HE will direct my path. I'm too busy trying to forge my own path through the brush and the thorns, when I could have it so much easier by allowing the Lord to clear the path.

Now that I am meditating on this scripture, and asking God to help me truly live by it, I ask that you would help me by praying for me. I want to rely fully on God, and I know that I can't do that without giving all of my problems and struggles to God. May I encourage you to read that verse several times. Don't just read it, but really think about it, and live it. I am not ashamed to say that I believe that our greatest days are ahead, spiritually speaking, if we are willing to "lean not on our own understanding". How are you leaning; on your own understanding, or on His?

Monday, July 31, 2006

Praying For Patience: Lord Help Me

One of the hardest things in my life, as well im sure many others, is having patience.
Psalm 40:1 says, "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry."

Right now I am going through a bit of a struggle. There are 2 or 3 things going on right now that are really testing me. My car just bit the dust, and I am currently looking for a new job. These are both things that I have had problems with in the past, but no matter how many times I go through it, it still is SO hard. I take every chance to go out and find a good job, yet it still many times takes me weeks to find a new job. I have also had several cars die on me, so im used to it. I lose a car, and then begin looking for a new used car and praying that God would help me find one that I can afford, which usually, none. PLEASE. Don't take this as complaining. I am so thankful for all of the many blessings that God has given me, and know that He is not done blessing me. IT IS ALL ABOUT PATIENCE. I am working on my patience. Thankfully, God has helped me with that, but it is still hard. If my Grandfather were still here on earth, he would tell me that there should be "NO BUTS". I have a tendancy to use the word BUT, and its hard not to sometimes.

I have realized that there are so many things in life that God could allow me to go through, but he chooses not to. He is faithful. I am listening to a song that says that "God is faithful, on my own im unable." How true that is. On my own im unable. It is God that is faithful. Im so thankful that his grace is sufficient for me. I can not begin to thank God enough for His Grace and Mercy in my life.

Please remember me in your prayers. Not only that I get a job and a new car, if it be His Will, but most of all that I would have the patience and faith that He would have me to have during this time.