Monday, July 31, 2006

Praying For Patience: Lord Help Me

One of the hardest things in my life, as well im sure many others, is having patience.
Psalm 40:1 says, "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry."

Right now I am going through a bit of a struggle. There are 2 or 3 things going on right now that are really testing me. My car just bit the dust, and I am currently looking for a new job. These are both things that I have had problems with in the past, but no matter how many times I go through it, it still is SO hard. I take every chance to go out and find a good job, yet it still many times takes me weeks to find a new job. I have also had several cars die on me, so im used to it. I lose a car, and then begin looking for a new used car and praying that God would help me find one that I can afford, which usually, none. PLEASE. Don't take this as complaining. I am so thankful for all of the many blessings that God has given me, and know that He is not done blessing me. IT IS ALL ABOUT PATIENCE. I am working on my patience. Thankfully, God has helped me with that, but it is still hard. If my Grandfather were still here on earth, he would tell me that there should be "NO BUTS". I have a tendancy to use the word BUT, and its hard not to sometimes.

I have realized that there are so many things in life that God could allow me to go through, but he chooses not to. He is faithful. I am listening to a song that says that "God is faithful, on my own im unable." How true that is. On my own im unable. It is God that is faithful. Im so thankful that his grace is sufficient for me. I can not begin to thank God enough for His Grace and Mercy in my life.

Please remember me in your prayers. Not only that I get a job and a new car, if it be His Will, but most of all that I would have the patience and faith that He would have me to have during this time.

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